About Us
About Green T&T
Green T&T is a Trinidad and Tobago not-for-profit environmental civil society organisation that implements sustainable tourism standards and educational initiatives.
Core Values
- The premier provider of high-quality environmental education and certification programmes to the hospitality and tourism industry
- Our stakeholders reap the benefits of implementing meaningful environmental actions
- A strong Green T&T brand
- A sustainable and growing organisation
To be the key stakeholder for environmental education and advocacy for environmental sustainability in the hospitality and tourism industry, nationally and regionally.
We are increasing the level of environmental consciousness and sustainability among tourism and hospitality stakeholders through meaningful engagement, certification, partnerships and research resulting in a competitive and profitable Caribbean hospitality and tourism sector with a minimal environmental footprint.
Meet the Team
Meet the Board of Directors

Willard Philip Harris
Fellow of the Certified & Chartered Accountants (FCCA),
Certified Insurer (Cert. CII),
FIH Academy Educator
Willard Philip Harris is a former Managing Director of Colonial Fire & General Insurance Company Limited (COLFIRE), and Chairman and CEO of his consultancy WP Harris & Associates Limited, which provides consultancy services in finance and insurance sectors.
In the area of Sport, he is the Chair of the Trinidad & Tobago Hockey Board (TTHB)’s International Relations Committee, Chair of both the International Hockey Federation (FIH) and Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) Competitions Committees, and Chair of the PAHF Education Panel.
He is also a member of the First Citizens Bank Sport Foundation, responsible for the Trinidad & Tobago Annual Sport Awards and Sport Hall of Fame, honouring excellent performances of national athletes, and sport administrators past and present.
Willard is an accomplished Sport Administrator in his own right having officiated as Match Manager for the FIH Hockey Pro League, and Technical Delegate in charge of World Level Hockey events, which include two (2) Olympic Games and two (2) World Cups.
With his wealth of knowledge and experience, he also brings to Green T&T oversight in the administration of operations and governance.

Tourism Education Professional
Joanna is a tourism professional with 15 years of academia and consultancy experience in the Caribbean.
She possesses an M.Sc. in Tourism Development and Management and a B.Sc. inHospitality Management and a strong background in tourism education, research, policy and planning, sustainable tourism development, environmental standards and management systems.
Joanna held the position of Dean, Academic Services at the Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute for 3 years and is currently assisting the institute with strategic academic matters.
She is a tourism and hospitality educator at the Associate and Bachelor degree levels and has teaching experience for academic and non-academic and online environments.
Internationally, Joanna is the Trinidad and Tobago National Coordinator for the Blue Flag and Green Key Programmes of the Foundation for Environmental Education and acts as the CEO of Green T&T which is the national implementing NGO for these programmes.
As a sustainable hospitality expert, Joanna provides expertise to resort and estate development planning teams on a managerial level. She has worked on projects funded by the EU, UNDP, Caribbean Development Bank and government funded programmes on capacity building efforts and sustainable development of natural resources as tourism attractions since 2003.
Born and raised on the island of Tobago, Joanna is intimately familiar with its nuances and feels a sense of deep connection to Tobago’s natural and cultural environments and is looking forward to the discourse on sustainable tourism and cultural identity.

MPhil. Bio. hon. PMP, PADI MSDT,
Reef Check Eco Diver Trainer
As a senior expert with broad experience in Caribbean SIDS, his main technical expertise is facilitating innovative stakeholder collaborations regarding sustainable green & blue economy, responsible tourism, protected area management, environmental resource management, marine and terrestrial conservation, and CSO governance & capacity building.
He is a founding Director of North East Tobago’s most outstanding ENGO and has been project lead in award- winning interventions.
Aljoscha served as team leader for a 3-year, EU-funded (3.5m €), community based eco-agro tourism project in Saint Lucia and for drafting the technical documents for NE Tobago’s successful nomination as a UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve. He was the chief editor for drafting the dossiers to list Tobago’s Main Ridge Forest Reserve and North-East Tobago’s Islets and Reefs as Natural National Heritage Sites. In 2021/22 Aljoscha undertook a situational analysis of Union Islands tourism sector and designed a regenerative tourism strategy for Union Island (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) (FFI).
Currently, he is the technical lead in preparing the 10-year management plan for NE Tobago`s UNESCO MaB Biosphere Reserve (UNDP/UNEP), and contracted as project manager and technical expert for governance and institutional strengthening of the NE Tobago Protected Area Management Trust (IDB).
In 2021, Mr Wothke received the National Environmental Achiever Green Leaf Acknowledgement by the Environmental Management Authority, Trinidad and Tobago and was appointed as a Member of the National Council for Sustainable Development of Trinidad and Tobago by the Minister of Planning and Development.
FEE Programmes
In February 2014, Green T&T became an Associate Member for the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and the FEE National Coordinator for Trinidad and Tobago. FEE is an international non-governmental and non-profit organisation aiming to promote sustainable development through environmental education with international partners such as the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
In this capacity, Green T&T’s main responsibility is to promote and oversee quality control for the implementation of FEE programmes in Trinidad and Tobago. Green T&T is the National Coordinator of the Blue Flag programme since 2014 and the Green Key programme in 2019.
As the National Coordinator of the Blue Flag programme, Green T&T’s goal is that recreational beaches and associated forest ecosystems in Trinidad and Tobago meet the highest international standards of environmental stewardship, sustainability, health and safety.
The aim of the Green Key programme in Trinidad and Tobago is to promote meaningful environmental actions among hospitality and tourism stakeholders thereby creating a unique differentiated, international competitive tourism destination.
Join Green T&T
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General Information
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Who can Apply? How to apply? Application Forms
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Certification Criteria
Accordion Content